Plant benefits

Most plants are medicinal in some way, some of them have been used as such for centuries. Learn about what each plant can do for you.

Lavandin benefits, a generous herb for beauty

This a hybrid plant is a natural offspring of spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia) and noble lavender (L. augustifolia, also known as Lavandula officinalis). It of course shares the health benefits of its parents, and also has a few benefits of its own, too!
Lavandin health benefits

Burdock, an all-purpose healing herb

A biennial plant native to Asia, America and Europe (except for the Mediterranean region), burdock most often grows voluntarily on freshly turned plots of land,
Benefits of burdock

Mango benefits, vitamins packed in a sweet, juicy package!

Mango or Mangifera belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. This soft, sweet and very orange tropical fruit is native to Southern Asia, India more specifically. It’s possible to take advantage of mango and its health benefits all year long.
Benefits of mango

Coffee health benefits, a stimulant with nutritious value

Coffee is a drink prepared from the seeds of the coffee tree (Coffea arabica), a shrub with evergreen leaves growing in tropical areas. It is one of the beverages that is most drunk in the world, and it is credited with many health benefits.
Coffee health benefits

Cinnamon health benefits and therapeutic value

Commonly simply called cinnamon or “true cinnamon”, the Ceylon cinnamon is the inside bark of a tree belonging to the Lauraceae family. This tree, the Ceylon cinnamon tree, grows on the
cinnamon health benefits

Rosemary, the power-up herb

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a very melliferous plant (honeybees collect the nectar from it to produce honey) native to Southern Europe that belongs to the Lamiaceae
Health benefits of rosemary
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