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Apple health benefits: vitamins, digestion and hypotensive

Benefits of apple for health

Once upon a time the symbol of the forbidden fruit, apple today is recommended for its many health benefits.

Apples are the fruits of apple trees (Malus domestica), a little fruit tree of the Rosaceae family appreciated for its spring blooming and its simple, light silhouette.

Health benefits of apples

Even though it is full of water, apples are loaded with nutrients and are among the healthiest fruits of our diets. Remember to eat it with its peel, because the peel contains a major portion of the benefits this fruit offers. But first, remember to check that the fruit comes from organic orchards or fields with no pesticides nor synthetic products.

  • Apple health benefitsAn apple is replete with vitamins A, B and C, which make it a fruit that reinforces our immune system. These vitamins help our body fight off bacteria and toxins, might help reduce risks of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, reinforces our skin, tissues and bones.
  • Apple regulates intestinal transit and considerably improves digestion thanks to its acidity. The tangy compounds stimulate the mouth to salivate more than usual. It also increases digestive juice production.
  • Raw apple works well against constipation (especially when eaten in the morning) and baked apple is recommended in case of diarrhea.
  • Provided that it is a regular part of the diet, apple helps regulate cholesterol levels thanks to the high levels of pectin that are embedded in it.
  • Apples boost energy levels and fight off fatigue. Apple also exhibits relaxing properties that help us find sleep and regulate stress.
  • Apples act positively on diuresis and on the elimination of uric acid. Its benefits are very much sought after by persons suffering from arthritis and rheumatism, as well as obese persons.
  • Apples help fight naturally against arterial hypertension, both preventively and curatively.
  • Low-calorie diets should include apples. When snacking desires are too powerful to be overcome, fibers combined with pectin lead to quickly perceiving signals of being satiated.

Growing apple trees for their health benefits

Growing apple for its benefitsPlant them in cool, well drained soil. Avoid rocky, dry ground that would slow growth and produce apple trees that are weakened when faced with diseases and pests.

Apple trees appreciate temperate and sunny areas but they fear high temperatures and moisture.

Note that apple trees are regularly beset with fungal diseases (mushroom related). These tend to wreck severe damage. Examples are:

  • Apple scabbrown or black spots on fruits, and these dry up and crack.
  • Apple canker – lesions on bark which can spread to the entire branch.
  • Powdery mildew – appears during spring, whitish fuzz on leaves which then shrivel up and fall.
  • European brown rot – leads to fruit rotting on the tree.
  • Codling moth larvae (fruit worm) – maggots eat the apple inside out.
  • Apple blossom weevil – hollows out flower buds, so no fruit-bearing.

Apples in cooking for their health benefits

Cooking preserves apple benefitsThe many apple varieties for sale on the market will let you change tastes and flavors while benefiting from their health-bolstering benefits.

Eat them cooked or bite them raw, depending on the season and your mood!

Nutritional content of apples

53 kcal / 3.5 oz (100 g). Apples boast high vitamin C, B and E levels. It also incorporates many minerals and trace elements. It also has very high levels of fiber.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
Pixabay: Ilona, Fernando Zhiminaicela, Hartono Subagio, Melanie
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