Soil mix

Soil mix can mean either of two things: soil that you mix something into, or potting soil as you can buy in stores. In both cases, it’s about soil balance.

Indoor living plant wall, easy and impressive

Tiny apartments or one-room studios can also be home to rich plant life. Even if you don’t have a single flat countertop or windowsill to place your nice pots and containers! An amazing indoor plant wall
Indoor plant wall

What is compost? Uses and purpose

What is compost? Fashion blip or true eco-friendly solution for your plants and garden? Compost is without a doubt the answer to the trending quest for organic produce
What is compost

How to plant a tree or shrub

Planting a tree, shrub, or rose bush is an important for the plant you have just purchased. After growing in a container in a nursery or garden store, your plant
How to plant a tree or shrub

Peat, what is it really?

Peat is fossil organic matter, formed from plant debris. It is the major constituent of soils saturated in water like peat bogs.

Make soil mix from household items

Convert ordinary stuff into perfectly good soil mix! Especially useful to recycle things into useful potting mix for beautiful plants.
Homemade potting mix

How to know your type of garden soil

Know your type of soil and you’ll succeed in growing your plants. This will point out how to make it better and which species will fare best.
Sandy soil in a hand, the best way to identify the type of soil.

How to plant heath plants

Heath plants love acidic, cool and well-drained soil. Planting is an important phase in the life of a plant.
Close-up of a healthy heath plant well planted.

Rose tree – when and how to plant roses

The planting of the rose tree is one of the most important steps. If well planted, rose trees are sure to settle in, and growth and bloom will be facilitated. Roses can be purchased in containers, often the pot in which it has most recently been transplanted, or with bare roots.
Rose tree planting in the ground and in pots

Topdressing, what is it?

Topdressing means spreading a fresh layer of rich soil mix directly atop the ground. This gives plants the organic matter
Topdressing, such as on this lawn, also applies to large pots and garden boxes.
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