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Morning glory, bindweed

Morning glory bindweed

Morning glory, or bindweed, is considered a very invasive plant for some species. Nonetheless, it bears very beautiful flowers!

Bindweed, morning glory facts

NameConvolvulus species
Type – perennial or annual

Height – 8 to 32 inches (20 to 80 cm)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – ordinary

Flowering – June to October

Planting bindweed, morning glory

Annual bindweed, morning glory

Annual bindweed (Convolvulus sepium, or hedge bindweed) is sown at the beginning of spring, starting in April in climates that are mild and May after the last frost spells anywhere else.

  • Bindweed requires sun and heat but not too much of it.
  • Sow directly in the ground.
  • Water regularly after sowing, at least until seeds sprout.

Perennial bindweed, morning glory

We recommend planting perennial bindweed in spring.

  • There are, among others, blue rock bindweed (Convolvulus sabatius) and field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis).

Caring for bindweed

Morning glory, or bindweed, only needs care if you want to control itThe ultimate crawling vine, bindweed tends to spread spectacularly without having much to do.

Sometimes bindweed is really considered to be a weed, and the problem is often how to get rid of it…

  • To fight against bindweed, you must pull it out during the blooming season so that it can’t sow itself anew.
  • Thick mulch won’t stop the seeds from sprouting and winding their way through, but it will make pulling them out much easier.

Learn more about bindweed, morning glory

Bindweed or morning glory is a cute plant with distinctive flowers to which it owes its name.
Indeed, they open during the day and close up again at night, and their life span is very short.

Its blooming time is the opposite of that of the four o’clock flower
But don’t worry, the flowers come back repeatedly!

The capacity of the plant to propagate is surprising, and you’ll probably find that it spreads too fast.

However, it makes for great ground cover, and since it grows quickly, it is perfect for wild gardens.

  • Bindweed is a plant that produces a lot of bee-attracting nectar, which makes it ideal in an orchard.

Note that bindweed is a twining vine. There’s a shrubby bindweed that grows lush and isn’t as invasive: Convolvulus cneorum. Its silhouette is similar to that of lavender when left to grow on its own, and it also has silvery leafage as well!

Smart tip about morning glory

Cuttings are very easy to make from morning glory or bindweed.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
Pixabay: Thomas B., Ralph
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