Heath and heath plants

Heath is a type of soil, and it’s rather acidic. Not all plants grow well in it. Some, however, are spectacular!

Erica carnea, the winter heather

Spreading out to form wonderful carpets of color at the heart of winter, Erica carnea can beat bad weather to the point of sprouting through a blanket of snow. A choreography of white, pink and purple bells swells up from beneath the monotonous white winter mantle. Is this not proof that this small, hardy shrub […]
Erica carnea - winter heath

Easy and elegant Camellia varieties

If roses are all the rage in summer, camellia easily takes the limelight during winter. Here are a few of the easier Camellia varieties to care for.
Easy camellia varieties

4 seasons Pieris

Pieris come in a multitude of varieties and put on a show all year round in the garden,
Flowers of the pieris shrub

How to plant heath plants

Heath plants love acidic, cool and well-drained soil. Planting is an important phase in the life of a plant.
Close-up of a healthy heath plant well planted.

Andromeda, a 4-seasons shrub

Andromeda is a shrub that stays beautiful from spring to winter thanks to abundant blooming in spring and changing flamboyant hues for the leafage during the rest of the year.
Andromeda is a type of shrub. As a plant, it is magnificent in all seasons
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