Home » Gardening » Bulb flowers » Leucojum vernum, a bulb flower as cute as a spring snowflake

Leucojum vernum, a bulb flower as cute as a spring snowflake

Spring snowflake close up, leucojum vernum

Spring snowflake, as Leucojum vernum goes by, is a short bulb flower that blooms in early spring.

Spring snowflake facts

NameLeucojum vernum
Typespring bulb

Height – 5 to 12 inches (12 to 30 cm)
Exposure – sun, shade

Soil – ordinary
Planting – fall
Flowering – January to March

These cute little flowers appear when snow starts melting away.

Planting spring snowflake

Spring snowflake is a bulb flower. As is the case with other spring bulbs, this one is also best planted in fall.

  • Plant your spring snowflake bulbs about 2 to 2½ inches deep (5 to 6 cm).
  • Moist and humus-rich soils that stay cool in summer are preferable. Under trees or along hedges are great options.
  • Go ahead and group dozens of bulbs close together to create a carpet-like cover.
  • You can also choose spots with different exposures. Blooming will come earlier in sunny spots and later in shaded ones.

Check out our guide on how to plant bulbs.

Spring snowflake care

Care for spring snowflake is easySnowflake bulbs will dry up quickly in the air. Don’t wait long before planting them.

At the end of the blooming, wait for leaves to turn yellow. This means the plant has finally finished transferring nutrients to the bulb for the next season.

  • Don’t mow or cut the leaves before they’ve wilted entirely.

That’s all! It’s one of the plants that require only very little care.

Learn more about Leucojum vernum

Spring snowflake is often confused with the snowdrop flower, another cute white bulb flower. It blooms at the same time and is nearly the same size.

To tell them apart, remember that the snowflake flower is is wider and rounder, whereas snowdrop has three wider petals and then smaller petals inside.

This early-blooming spring flower will sprout through lawn grass and other lawn substitutes, so you can benefit from its blooming before the mowing seasons commences.

  • Another species of Leucojum, L. aestivum, blooms in summer.

Smart tip about Spring snowflake

This flower will bloom several years in a row if you don’t disturb them and if they don’t suffer too much heat in summer. To keep them cool, keep a thick layer of dried leaves over the bulbs in summer.

Take a look at several other unmissable bulb flowers

Crocus, tulip, narcissus, daffodil, hyacinth, arum

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 2.0: Tereza Simandlová
CC BY-SA 2.0: Susanne Nilsson
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