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Tulip, magnificent in the springtime


In the bulb flower category, tulip is a universal favorite.

Top tulip facts

Name – Tulipa
Family – Liliaceae (lily family)
Type – spring bulb

Height – 8 to 30 inches (20 to 75 cm)

Soil: well-drained
Exposure: full sun
Flowering: spring

Planting tulips well and caring for them will enhance blooming and let them grow more numerous year after year.

Planting tulip

To have beautiful tulips in spring, bulb planting should start early fall to mid-December at the latest. This lets them spread roots over the winter and spring flowers will be larger and more vigorous.

How to plant tulip bulbs

Dig a hole 2 or 3 times as deep as the tulip bulb is high, to protect it from freezing. Space your carefully chosen tulip bulbs at least 4 inches (10 cm) apart, but don’t spread them too much, either.

The pointy tip of the bulb should face upwards, towards the sky.

  • How to plant tulipChoose a well-lit place to get nice blooms. Bulbs in part shade will bloom 2-3 weeks later.
  • Well-drained soil will guarantee better growth for your tulips.
  • Upon planting your tulip bulbs, throw a handful of soil mix at the bottom of the hole. It will significantly increase growth and blooming of your tulips.

Grouping tulips together in small bunches of 10 to 50 bulbs produces a much nicer effect than simply spreading them by twos or threes across the garden.

Planting tulip in pots

Tulips are particularly well suited to being planted in pots.

  • tulip in potIn fall, plant 3-4 tulip bulbs per pot and cover with around 4 inches (10 cm) soil mix.
  • Let your pots spend the winter outside, unless the climate is very harsh, in which case bring them in a cool place where they will be protected from the coldest freezing.
  • In spring, bring the pots out to the terrace and water if it doesn’t rain.
  • At the end of the blooming period, wait for leaves to turn yellow before cutting them off.
  • You may either leave the bulbs in their pot, or dig them up to store them in a cool, dry place, before replanting them come fall.

More on the best tulips for growing in pots (and tips to do it right)

Caring for tulip

Tulip needs virtually no care at all because, once planted, it should bloom again come the following spring without any intervention.

Each tulip will actually multiply and you’ll have two, three or four new bulbs where you previously only had one! This is how wild tulip used to spread, and cultivated tulips do the same, too!

Fertilizer for tulip bulbs

Fertilizer for tulip bulbsIt is possible to enhance and stimulate blooming further if you apply bulb flower fertilizer when the first tulip leaves sprout.

  • Tulip-specific fertilizer can be used at planting and again during the growth phase.

Normally, when tulips sprout in spring, rainfall covers water needs and extra watering isn’t needed.

However, in containers and pots, you’ll have to water as soon as the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch.

Tulip after flowering

Tulip after bloomingThis period of time is often underestimated for tulips, because it is actually during the wilting of leaves that tulips stock up on reserves for the next season’s blooming.

Indeed, it is important to wait until they are completely wilted because that phase is when tulips gather nutrients for the following year.

  • Wait until leaves and stems are clearly yellow before cutting them off, and do not cut if still green.
  • If you remove leaves just after blooming, tulips probably won’t bloom in the following spring.
  • You may nonetheless cut the wilted flower off to beautify the garden somewhat.

All there is to know about tulip

Tulip careTulips are single-stemmed bulbous plants that are very much appreciated to garnish any type of garden at the end of winter and beginning of spring.

There are over 125 different species, and thousands of varieties to make for many combinations of color and shape. From stupendous peony or parrot tulips to natural botanical tulips, there’s definitely one to share vibes with for you!

You can imagine how many different garden compositions are possible!

Tulips are referred to as the queen of the bulb flowers and equally suit gardens, terraces and balconies.

  • Tulip bouquetTulips adapt perfectly to all temperate climates.
  • The amazing range of store-available varieties lets one choose from many diverse shapes and colors, to match everyone’s favorite combination!

Smart tip about tulip

You may cut the flowers to easily prepare magnificent brightly-colored flower bouquets!

Images: adobestock: Наталья Устинова; own work: Rosalyn & Gaspard Lorthiois; Pixabay: Andreas, Gaertringen, Jana V. M.
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