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Fleabane, the rockwall daisy


Fleabane is a very cute little plant which is a hot trend nowadays.

A summary of key fleabane facts

Name – Fleabane
Type – perennial

Height – 8 to 16 inches (20 to 40 cm) depending on variety
Exposure – full sun
Soil – ordinary, rather light

Flowering – May to October

Ease of care, planting and the attention you give it will especially boost blooming.

Planting fleabane

In spring or fall preferably, locate a nice sunny spot to plant your fleabane, it can really support the blooming.

In summer, planting can still be proceeded to, but take care to water more regularly.

Just like the aster, ordinary soil mixed with a bit of soil mix is perfect.
Avoid compact and heavy soils that would retain water instead of releasing it to the plant.

To nicely cover a surface, plant around 8 or 9 flowers to a square yard (1 m²).

In order to multiply your fleabane, divide the bunch in spring every 3 or so years.

Care and pruning of fleabane

Very easy to grow, fleabane only needs very little care.

During planting, water when the soil has dried to help the root system get set up.

In fall, after the blooming or at the beginning of spring, cut back the crown as short as possible.
This step aims at snipping all stems down to a height of about 4 inches (10 cm) from the crown head, to stimulate the growth of fleabane while promoting the next flowering.

All there is to know about fleabane

A plant for flower beds, edges or rocky land, fleabane is spectacular from spring to fall thanks to its generous blooming which constantly renews itself.

This easy perennial hails from North America and adapts very well to any temperate climate. Even though some species like karvinskianus aren’t so hardy and need a relatively hot climate to thrive, most species are hardy.

The fleabane or erigeron genus has over 200 denominations, some of which are grown as annuals. The blooming looks exactly like that of lawn daisies, but it’s much taller.

The most famous species are Erigeron karvinskianus, glabratus, alpinus, uniflorus, dimity, paolii or violetta.

Smart tip about fleabane

In order to trigger appearance of new flowers, remove wilted flowers regularly.

Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Fleabane flower by Petra Fischer under Pixabay license
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