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Cinquefoil, a cute bushy plant

Yellow cinquefoil shrub

Cinquefoil is a very cute shrubby plant that is easy to care for, and which has a blooming that lasts all summer long.

Core cinquefoil facts

Name – Potentilla
Family – Rosaceae
Type – shrub or perennial

 – 1 ½ to 6 ½ feet (0.5 to 2 meters)
Exposure – full sun, part sun
Soil – ordinary

 – deciduous
Flowering – April to October

Planting cinquefoil

When purchased in containers, cinquefoil is planted in fall or spring. This little flower shrub’s versatility helps it adapt to all types of soil, whether rich or poor, dry or slightly moist.

  • Never plant cinquefoil when its freezing.
  • Not very sensitive to the type of soil, set it in full sun or in a spot that is partly shaded.
  • The more sun it receives, the longer its blooming.

Propagating cinquefoil

Bushy cinquefoil is very easily multiplied through cuttings, by collecting young sprigs during the month of August.

Pruning and caring for cinquefoil

Cinquefoil is easy to care for, and a simple light yearly pruning should enable you to keep a cute, bushy bearing and stimulate the summer flowering.

  • When the vegetation phase starts up, lightly prune the plant to give it a nice shape.
    This will also stimulate the coming blooming.
  • Remove wilted flowers regularly (deadheading).
  • After the blooming, cut a bit off from the sprigs that have born flowers.

Watering cinquefoil

It is a good idea to water cinquefoil regularly the first year after planting to favor root development.

Once properly settled in, normal rainfall should be more than enough to fulfill the needs of the plant.

  • Water in case of prolonged dry spells or heat waves.
  • For potted cinquefoil, water when the surface of the substrate has dried up.

All there is to know about cinquefoil

cinquefoilA very beautiful blooming distinguishes this fast-growing shrub which is very easy to cultivate.

You’ll be rejoicing in its very cute flowers for a long time since they appear repeatedly from spring to fall.

You might find some annual species among the cinquefoils, as well as other perennials and lastly small shrubs. This bushy cinquefoil has a very interesting bushy composure, an abundant blooming ranging from white to red through yellow.

It is particularly elegant along edges, as well as in a flower bed and on rocky ground.
This plant is particularly well suited to growing in pots on a terrace or balcony thanks to its rather restricted growth.

Lastly, note that cinquefoil is extremely hardy, and holds perfectly well to negative temperatures down to -13°F (-25°C).

Smart tip about cinquefoil

Take advantage of the cinquefoil’s low height to pair it with perennials.

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