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Cambria, a magnificent orchid


Growing a Cambria orchid is quite straightforward. Note that there are a few rules to follow for nice flowers and to extend the blooming

Often blooming during winter, this orchid comes in many colors around the shades of pink, violet and white.

Here are best practices in terms of care that will help you grow your cambria orchid.

Cambria exposure: lots, but indirect

Cambria orchidCambria requires maximum light levels but has an aversion to direct sun rays behind a window pane. Most indoor plants are like this, actually.

  • The reddish pigmentation of its leaves is a sign that it is getting enough light.
  • However, if leaves grow dark, it means that light is lacking.
  • Bright red means it has too much light.

Room temperature is also relevant, even though the cambria orchid tolerates relatively cool rooms.

  • The ideal temperature range is from 64°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C).
  • In summer, you can thus bring it out in the shade on your balcony, deck or terrace, in the garden.
  • In any case, select a luminous location but without any direct sun.

Watering cambria

There are 2 different seasons for cambria over the course of a year. One is the vegetation phase (growth), and the other is the dormant state where not much happens.

Watering during the growth period

  • Appearance of new leaves shows that the plant is entering its vegetation phase.
  • Water often but without overdoing it, so as to keep the roots from staying immersed in water.
  • Prefer soft water or water that isn’t too hard.
  • Add highly diluted special orchid fertilizer (divide recommended doses by 2) every other watering.

Watering during the dormant state

  • Cooler temperatures usually signal the onset of the dormant phase.
  • This span of time usually matches fall and winter.
  • Water as little as possible, about once a fortnight.
  • Suspend adding fertilizer.
  • Resume watering a bit more often when the cambria starts bearing flowers.

Cambria orchid fertilizer

Cambria has a need for organic matter to support its growth. As mentioned above (section on watering), a suitable option is to provide it often with fertilizer in moderate amounts.

  • Provide orchid fertilizer while your cambria is developing (leaf growth), most often from May to September.
  • Better to have a small dose often than a high dose from time to time.
  • Reduce the dose written on the fertilizer packaging by at least half.

Repotting and propagating cambria

As for all orchids, repotting is a recurring step for proper care. It helps eliminate old roots. In the wild, wind and rain do this, but for potted cambria we have to intervene ourselves.

Repotting cambria

cambria repotting and careLike all orchids, repotting is part of cambria’s life cycle and supports its root system.

  • Select a pot size that is 1 inch (2 cm) larger across.
  • This step usually is performed every 1 or 2 years and is critical to ensure continued development of your plant.
  • Observe the bottom of the pot in order to visualize if roots still have space to grow.
  • Repot just when the plant is producing new roots.
  • Wait for a full month before adding any fertilizer again.
  • Follow these tips on how to repot an orchid.

Propagating cambria

You can propagate your cambria very simply: pull the pseudobulbs apart, just after the blooming, usually in spring.

How to make cambria bloom again

Unlike phalaenopsis, cambria doesn’t bloom twice on stems that have born flowers.

Cut off floral scapes at the base after blooming.

Wait for new stems to appear and they will bear more flowers.

Read also on caring for orchids:

Images: CC BY 2.0: Charlie Jackson; shutterstock: Stanislav71
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