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Trachelospermum jasminoides, a wonderful fragrant vine

White flower unfurling on a trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides, or star jasmine, is a beautiful climbing vine with evergreen leaves. It blooms in summer.

Key facts to remember:

NameTrachelospermum jasminoides
Type – Climbing vine

Height – 12/15 feet (4 to 5 meters)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – well-drained

Leafage: evergreen  –  Blooming: June to October

Planting, care and pruning for Trachelospermum jasminoides will increase the blooming if you follow these best practices.

Planting Trachelospermum jasminoides

How to plant Trachelospermum jasminoidesPlanting Trachelospermum jasminoides is equally successful in fall as it is in spring.

  • Oustide of these two most favorable seasons, just be careful to avoid days of freezing and days of intense heat.
  • Follow our shrub planting advice.
  • Adding flower shrub fertilizer upon planting will promote proper settling in and makes it possible to experience blooming even in the first year.
  • Water regularly over the first year after planting.

Make the most of its smooth jasmine-like fragrance by setting it up near places where you like to rest, or a window so that you may benefit with all your senses, not only the eyes!

Propagating Trachelospermum jasminoides

Preparing Trachelospermum jasminoides cuttings is quite easy. Spring is the time to do this. From one plant, you can get many more.

Growth and training for Trachelospermum jasminoides

Training, pruning and care for Trachelospermum jasminoidesIt feels rather slow at first because Trachelospermum jasminoides first needs to develop its root system. Proper rooting is necessary to have an accelerated growth later on.

Indeed, once it is comfortably settled in, Trachelospermum jasminoides grows very vigorously. It will quickly cover arbors, pergolas or climb up walls for an extremely ornamental result.

To speed growth up even more, you can add fertilizer to the water as you water during the first year.

Growing Trachelospermum jasminoides in pots

It is perfectly possible to grow Trachelospermum jasminoides in pots and it even makes lots of sense for those who wish to benefit from its fragrance on a terrace or balcony. A lattice is perfect for creating a visual barrier between sections of the garden, or to hide out neighbors. Place your T. jasminoides at the base of it and you’ll have an evergreen flower-filled view-breaker.

  • When planting in pots, use flower plant soil mix.
  • Double-check that the bottom of the pot has a hole in it to let excess water drain out easily.
  • Mulch the base of your Trachelospermum jasminoides to maintain proper moisture levels in the soil beneath it.
  • Feed it regularly because when in pots, the plant depletes all available soil nutrients within weeks.
  • Water on a regular basis, whenever the soil is dry. Dry soil is a sign that watering is needed.

Caring for Trachelospermum jasminoides

Rather straightforward, Trachelospermum jasminoides care can even be left to a minimum once the plant is correctly settled in.

Regular care for Trachelospermum

Different varieties of Trachelospermum jasminoidesTrachelospermum jasminoides is a plant that doesn’t ask for much care, especially when it’s been planted for a few years already.

  • In case of drought or heat wave occurring within the first two years after planting, you’ll need to water it.
  • Adding flower plant fertilizer in spring will enhance your Trachelospermum jasminoides’s blooming.
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides won’t cling to the lattice on its own at the beginning, so you’ll need to tether it somehow when it’s still young.

Pruning Trachelospermum jasminoides

  • No pruning is really mandatory, but an annual makeover at the beginning of Spring will enhance Summer blooming.
  • You can also use Trachelospermum jasminoides as an unusual ground cover, in which case absolutely no pruning is needed.

Hardiness of Trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides is particularly hardy: it resists temperatures down to 14°F (-10°C), and even down to 5°F (-15°C) if only for a short while.

  • It also copes well with extended periods of drought.

Other names for this plant are star jasmine and Indian jasmine, but they’re actually all the same plant.

Read also:

Smart tip about Trachelospermum jasminoides

If you’re hoping for this vine to climb up a surface, help it out at the beginning because it isn’t quite good at attaching itself at the start.

Uses of Trachelospermum jasminoides in landscaping includes fences

Images: CC BY 2.0: K M, chuck b., Andesine, CC BY-SA 2.0: Philippe Teuwen; dreamstime: Nadtochiy
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