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Lawn and grass in fall, the right advice

Fall leaves with grass lawn that needs taking care of

The end of summer and fall are without doubt the best time to create or renovate a lawn.

That is when temperatures allow for quick growing and proper root development before winter.

It is also the best manner of having a stupendous lawn in the following spring.

When grass has been sown, it turns into a lawn after a few years.
That is when regular maintenance can help you keep a very beautiful lawn in your garden.

Fall is when a hefty part of this maintenance must be performed.

Creating and sowing a lawn

Sowing a new lawn is a heavy task, but worth the effortIf you’ve chosen to sow and create your lawn yourself, follow our tips and you’ll succeed for sure.

This step isn’t very difficult, and can en be a great source of enjoyment, especially when the first sprouts start appearing.

Perform when temperatures still hover above 55°F (12°C).

Prepare the few simple tools, and start creating or setting up your own lawn.


Renovate your lawn

Mower cutting down an overgrown lawnYour lawn is now several years old, and you wish to give it a face lift so that it may renew with youthful bright green tones.

Follow our tips on renovating a lawn and you’ll be blessed with a great garden and nice lawn for years to come.

Dethatching a lawn in fall

Dethatch to remove moss and weeds, like this burweedDethatching is recommended every year.

This particular step, purely optional, is nonetheless very effective to clean, aerate and revive your lawn. It removes moss, burweed, and accumulated grass clippings that take too long to break down.

Since summer has ended, your lawn has suffered a lot from the heat and needs to be jump-started to start growing back again.

Simple and quick to get over with, dethatching will give great results and your garden will look all the better.

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Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
Pixabay: Katerina Vulcova, Pexels, Cornelia Gerhardt
Bugwood.org: John D. Byrd
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