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Maple, famous for fiery leaves in fall

Red-orange leaves of the maple tree against a blue sky.

Maple is a tree that shines above all others in autumn.

Main Maple facts

Name – Acer
Family – Aceraceae
Type – tree

Height – 50 to 85 feet (15 to 25 meters)
Exposure – sunny, not scorching
Soil – ordinary

Foliage – deciduous
Flowering – February to April

Planting maple

Select a sun-endowed spot or light sun.

Follow our advice on planting and ensure constant moisture remains in the soil by mulching the base of the trunk during the first years.

Since the root system is very dense, we recommend not planting this tree too close to a house, not even near a terrace.

Pruning a maple tree

Remove dead branches and ensure air circulates freely.

Learn more about maple

The maple tree is known for the unique shape of its leaves, and for its amazing fiery colors in fall. It also grows very fast, and its hardiness helps it adapt to almost any growing environment.

In forest settings, it’s one of the species that easily sets seed on its own. This makes natural regeneration very easy on plots that are tended to grow wood.

The flowers which usually appear at the end of winter are yellow, orange or red in color. Beekeepers know that maple is an important source of nectar for their bees. Seeds, in pairs, form little helicopters that slowly twirl down to the ground when dry. Children find it very fun to launch them up in the air again and again!

In France, maple is the symbol attributed to celebrating the 58th wedding anniversary. Maple leaf is part of the Canadian flag.

Diseases and parasites of the maple tree

Smart tip about maple

Before treating the tree for disease, ponder for a while if it’s really necessary. Treatments aren’t always needed and trees will often survive without any help, and the environment will be better off.

Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Orange colored maple by Hans Braxmeier under Pixabay license
5 lobes on a maple leaf (also on social media) by Rosalyn & Gaspard Lorthiois, own work
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