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Japanese hydrangea vine, a twin to climbing hydrangeas

Japanese hydrangea vine flowers

The Japanese hydrangea vine is a beautiful shrub that blooms in summer.

Key Japanese hydrangea facts

NameSchizophragma hydrangeoides
Type – shrub

Height – 16 to 26 feet (5 to 8 meters)
Exposure – part sun and shade
Soil – rather rich

Foliage – deciduous
Flowering – May to August

Caring for this plant from planting to blooming is part of what makes your hydrangea grow well.

Planting Japanese hydrangea vines

Indifferently either in spring or fall.

Pruning Japanese hydrangea vines

Japanese hydrangea along a ledgeIt isn’t necessary to prune it.
Remove wilted flowers regularly (deadheading).

All there is to know about Japanese hydrangea vines

Japanese hydrangea climberThis vine is a climbing shrub that has the rare advantage of feeling most comfortable in the shade.
It is perfect to decorate the front of a house that faces North, or to decorate a tree trunk.

Easy to care for and to grow, the Japanese hydrangea vine only needs to be attached at the start to the wall or tree that it must follow. After that, it will hang on on its own.

Read also:

Smart tip about Japanese hydrangea vines

Adding flower plant organic fertilizer in spring will enhance its bloom.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 2.0: Jim
Public Domain: bDom
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