Trumpet vine

Trumpet vine is an easy and interesting plant to grow. It climbs to great heights and blooms even in the shade. Learn to grow it and landscape with it.

Grow climbing plants in your garden

Climbing plants are the way to go to decorate gardens that aren’t that big. They easily replace a wider hedge, and don’t require much care.
Ivy latching on to bare rock

Allamanda, the Golden Trumpet

Even though it doesn’t hold very well to the cold, allamanda is a plant that perfectly decorates Mediterranean-type gardens.
Allamanda, the golden trumpet

Brugmansia, gigantic flowers!

Brugmansia, also called “Angel’s Trumpets” for the magnificent flowers shaped like trumpets, is a very interesting and ornamental shrub.
Dangling brugmansia flower opening up to reveal peach-colored blooms.

10 drought-resistant plants

Bone-dry soil? Worry not! There’s other options for you than that crisp-brown lawn for a garden. Shrubs, perennials, climbing plants…
Plants that resist drought and can live with no water

Which vine is best to decorate your garden shed or pergola?

Guest post resulting from our collaboration with FRANCE ABRIS! Proud of your beautiful garden shed? Think how amazing it would look with a few beautiful vines crawling and blooming here and there! Indeed, though our garden sheds and pergolas
Garden shed with climbing vines decorating it
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