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Stephanotis, a flower for the famous

Stephanotis is a flower loved by famous people

Stephanotis (or Madagascar jasmine) was the favorite plant of Marilyn Monroe. The blooming does require a little care, but its elegant flowers that release such an incredible intense odor are worth the work!

A lucky charm plant native to Madagascar, from whence it was brought in the XIXth century, Stephanotis is traditionally used in bridal bouquets.

If not guided along a trellis, it undulates in long sprawling vines that, if bunched together, remind onlookers of the bridal veil. They can also be used to braid magnificent crowns.

“Stephanotis” even means “fit to bejewel a crown” in ancient Greek!

Stephanotis, beautiful twining

Although the Stephanotis flowers themselves are quite delicate, leaves and stems, on the other hand, are very strong. To train them, they must be attached to a lattice that forms a hoop.

But if you simply let it run free and grow to it’s heart’s desire, you may get a spectacular surprise. Indeed, this miniature vine tends to attach to whatever is in reach, be it a shelf, a curtain, a frame on the wall…

A rich, warm scent

The fragrance of the stephanotis flower is similar to that of jasmineThe white flowers, shaped like starry trumpets, release a subtle and warm smell. Experts describe it as a blend of jasmine and lilies.

This fragrance is highly sought after and is part of many famous perfumes, like Night of Fancy by Anna Sui, or Love of Pink by Lacoste.

Gucci’s latest release, Tears from the Moon, includes the scent of Stephanotis as one of its key undertones.

Stephanotis, a somewhat fickle plant

To make your Stephanotis as happy as can be, place it near a window, in a luminous and drafty place, but not in direct sun.

During the blooming, your stephanotis will love being hydrated often. However, it doesn’t like it when roots wallow in water at the bottom of the pot. On top of regular watering, mist it with rainwater to re-create a moist atmosphere.

Stephanotis doesn’t like being moved around much. Once in place, don’t even rotate the pot: modifying exposure would make its floral buds fall off.

The blooming of Madagascar jasmine isn’t always easy to obtain. For it to happen, best is to subject the plant to a time of winter rest. During these darker months, keep the plant in a luminous but cool room, around 57°F (13°C), and step down on watering. A the very beginning of spring, look into whether you need to prune your stephanotis or not.

by Laure Hamann

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Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Flowers in a row by RDPixelShop under © CC BY-SA 2.0
Air freshener in a vase by Vicky in Bath under © CC BY-SA 2.0
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