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Purslane, an uncommon green: growing from seed to harvest


Wild or cultivated purslane is a crawling plant that has leaves that are appreciated for their light lemony taste.

A summary of purslane facts

Name – Portulaca oleracea
Family – Portulacaceae
Type – annual, crawling

Height – 4 to 8 inches (10 to 15 cm)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – ordinary, well drained

Flowering – June to October
Harvest – 2 months after sowing

Low-calorie content makes it great for salad or cooked like spinach leaves are. And it’s healthy, too!

Sowing and planting purslane

Purslane (a type of rose moss) mostly grows around the Mediterranean ocean and loves heat to truly develop well.

Although it grows naturally in the wild, one can also sow purslane in the vegetable patch.

Sowing purslane

Sow preferably in spring or summer in a full sun spot.

  • Sowing purslaneSowing is from March to September.
  • Wait for the soil to have warmed up well to sow (wait for May in the colder climate regions).
  • Sow in rows (every 8 inches (20 cm)) in light and well-draining soil.
  • Water at the beginning to ensure that the ground stays damp.
  • Thin when the sprouts have formed a few leaves, keeping only the most vigorous sprout.
  • Pinch the stems when plants have reached a size of more or less 4 inches (10 cm).

Tip: If you stage your sowing in time, you’ll also stage your purslane harvests in the vegetable patch.

Planting purslane

If you’ve purchased your garden purslane in nursery pots, you can transplant them from March to September.

  • Replant one purslane plant every 8 inches (20 cm).
  • Water at the beginning and then slowly cut back on the watering, since this is a plant that doesn’t require much water.

Potted purslane

Potted purslanePurslane will grow very well in a pot. Its succulent-like leaves make it highly resistant to drought, so it doesn’t need daily watering like other potted plants.

Important: prepare the pot in such a way that it has great drainage:

  • make sure it has a hole at the bottom
  • don’t let it sit in a tray or saucer
  • pour an inch or two (less than 5 cm) of coarse gravel or clay pebbles at the bottom
  • mix sand, perlite, hydrogel or pozzolana into the soil to increase drainage and make sure the soil doesn’t stay saturated with water.

Pruning and caring for purslane

Pruning purslanePurslane requires very little work and care, which makes it an easy plant to grow.

Running the hoe against weeds around the plant are about the only work you’ll have to provide.

  • Watering isn’t necessary once the purslane is well settled-in.

Harvesting purslane

Purslane re-seeds spontaneously, and a single plant can be harvested up to 3 times during the year.

Harvesting purslaneYou can start to harvest purslane more or less 2 months after sowing, or a bit later depending on the growing conditions and the climate.

  • Harvest the purslane stems by collecting the stem, but don’t cut too short to enable regrowth.
  • Better to harvest young purslane stems, since the leaves are more delicious.
  • The younger the purslane leaves, the more they melt in your mouth.

Keeping purslane

Purslane is a plant that doesn’t keep fresh for very long, since it doesn’t hold well to freezing.

But it can easily be kept for 2 or 3 days in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, wrapped in paper tissue.

Also, it is possible to pickle purslane in jars with vinegar and thus keep it for several months.

Learn more about purslane

Sometimes considered a weed, this cute annual plant that crawls along and spreads out offers delicious edible leaves.

Eating purslaneA staple item of the Cretan diet, purslane is both low in calories and excellent to prevent risks of cardiovascular diseases.

In it, you’ll find potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and B, iron and also omega-3 and β-carotene, which are definitely part of any diet that aims to prevent many diseases. In short, purslane is loaded with health benefits!

It is cooked a bit like spinach, since it can be eaten raw in mixed salads, or cooked or in soups.

If you wish, a simple way to cook your purslane is to heat up a dollop of butter in a pan, throw in the purslane and fry for about 3 minutes.

Smart tip about purslane

If properly settled in, no need to water anymore, even in hot weather, since this plant tolerates drought very well.

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 2.0: Dr. Umapathi Mangajji
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Your reactions
  • Andrea Johnson wrote on 3 March 2024 at 0 h 17 min

    We put weed killer on last years purslane so will this years be safe to eat

  • Adjei Gyekye Samuel wrote on 30 October 2020 at 18 h 29 min

    I have come to love Purslane and always looking for it to add to my food and Salads each day. I love to read about plants, especially Purslane which wet my appetite to hunt for it more and more even when I travel and also encourage people in making the plant one of the best in their diet.
    Especially for students, due to omega 3 and other nutritional benefits. The Creator is most wonderful in His dealings. Great is thy faithfulness… New mercies abound.

    • Gaspard wrote on 31 October 2020 at 10 h 12 min

      May the bounty and harmony of nature bring peace among us all! Nice to know you like this special “greens”, too!

  • MARGE MATTECHECK wrote on 27 August 2020 at 1 h 50 min

    I bought one of these Purslane plants from Lowes about a month ago while it was bloom. I transplanted into a pot and placed in a sunny spot on my porch. I follow directions enclosed to water 2x a week but it died. I wasn’t sure if it was the 115+ degrees we’ve been having in Bullhead Arizona or what.

    • Gaspard wrote on 27 August 2020 at 11 h 57 min

      If, as it died, leaves rather dried up and withered, it’s due to lack of water. Especially when transplanting, roots haven’t yet reached most of the pot, it takes time for them to grow out. If that’s the case, in hot weather, simply having watered “further off” from the stems means perhaps the root-filled portion wasn’t watered.
      If, on the other hand, it turned yellow and limp before dying, then perhaps your soil mix retains water too well, or there isn’t any hole at the bottom of the pot and water accumulates to drown the plant.

  • Kathrey Howard Maynard wrote on 24 July 2020 at 16 h 28 min

    Oh my gosh.
    I have been pulling these in my garden as I thought they were weeds.
    Pretty red and green.
    Actually bought two yesterday at Lowes. Different color
    Then I looked the name up. Holy Molely, I have hundreds .
    Well I guess I stop pulling.
    Have family that will love to much them.
    Great article.
    Thank you.

    • Gaspard wrote on 27 July 2020 at 13 h 58 min

      Yes, my own family eats them too, it has a surprising texture! In our garden, it only really starts growing when the soil has finally warmed up for summer.