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Bladder-senna, pods full of air like tiny balloons!

Bladder-senna fruits, light pink balloons

Bladder-senna is a shrub bearing unique surprising flowers and fruits, and it’s easy to care for.

Bladder-senna facts summary

Name – Colutea arborescens
Family – Fabaceae
Type – shrub

Height – 6 to 13 feet (2 to 4 meters)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – Ordinary but light

Foliage – deciduous
Flowering – May to August

In shrub hedges or as a standalone, it will fit right into you garden.

Planting bladder-senna

Yellow blooms of the Bladder-senna flowerPreferably in spring but planting in fall spell is also possible.

Pruning bladder-senna

It isn’t necessary to prune it.
If you wish to reduce or reshape the shrub, best wait for the blooming to have ended.

Caring for bladder-senna

Bladder-senna is quite spectacular because of the fruits it bears and the unique bearing it has.

Caring for and growing this shrub is rather easy.

It will do great both as a standalone and as part of a shrub bed.

Read also on shrubs:

A good tip about bladder-senna

Bladder-senna can make do with urban air constraints very well.


Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY-NC 2.0: Harald Henkel
Pixabay: Hans Braxmeier
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