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Aconite, Jupiter’s helm, like an army of helmsmen on the march!

Aconite flower

Aconite, also called monk’s hood or Jupiter’s helm, is a flower native to mountainous areas that offers a beautiful blue and sometimes yellow blooming.

Aconite key facts

Name – Aconitum napellus
Family – Ranunculaceae
Type – perennial

Height – 32 to 48 inches (80 to 120 cm)
Exposure – sun and part sun
Soil – ordinary, well drained
Flowering – May to October depending on the seasons

The floral scapes can grow to over 3 feet (1 meter) tall, which makes it an ideal plant to decorate the back of a flower bed.

Sowing and planting aconite

Aconite seedsIt is best to plant your aconite in September for proper root development before winter and good growing back in the following spring.

If you’re planting in spring, you’ll have to water regularly after planting.

  • Aconite loves all types of soil and even poor, dry soil.
  • Feel free to amend it when planting with fertilizer or compost.
  • It loves emplacements that receive part sun and are lightly shaded.
  • Avoid spots where the wind howls through, or else, simply stake the plant.
  • Keep a distance of 16 inches (40 cm) between plants.
  • Propagate aconites through crown division in in spring or fall.
  • Sow seeds early in spring.

Care, pruning of an aconite

Aconite care and plantingCut stems off after the blooming, this will trigger appearance of more new flowers.

For aconites, cut back to the shortest in fall and possibly protect the base of the plant in colder areas.

  • The tallest aconite varieties don’t stand to the wind well if not staked.

All there is to know about aconite

Also called wolf’s bane, this plant’s name comes from Latin aconitum which means poison.

But although this plant is poisonous, it is also a cute flower that bears distinctive long floral scapes that uphold beautiful blue or yellow flowers depending on the species.

Its great height, often taller than 3 feet (1 meter), makes it a good plant to settle at the back of a flower bed where it will produce an nice bushy backdrop.

It also makes for great bouquet flowers that will keep for a long time – even a bouquet of dried flowers!

Aconite and toxicity

Dramatic photo of aconite flowersAconitum napellus is the most poisonous of the aconite species, and is probably one of the most toxic plants in temperate Europe.

Simply ingesting a little bit of the plant can lead to heart problems that can cause death.

The root, that looks like a turnip, is the most toxic part of the plant.

Aconite was used by hunters for poison on the tips of their spears and arrows, and more recently was used to get rid of wolves and foxes.

Smart tip about aconite

Cut a few aconite flowers off the bush in summer, and set them in a vase: you’ll be surprised at how long they last in such a bouquet!

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY-SA 2.0: Teresa Grau Ros
CC BY-SA 4.0: Ryan Hodnett
Public Domain: Hardyplants
CC BY 2.0: Theo Crazzolara
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  • तुंगनाथ शर्मा wrote on 5 October 2021 at 15 h 11 min

    कृपया एकोनाइट का पौधा या बीज प्रर्दशित करें हमें खरीदना है।

    (Please show us the aconite plant or seed we want to buy.)

    • Gaspard wrote on 9 October 2021 at 3 h 50 min

      Hello तुंगनाथ शर्मा, thank you for your comment. I added pictures of the seeds of the aconite plant to the article. I hope you find it helpful. We don’t sell seeds or plant, we only grow them and write about them. There are many stores online that sell the plant or the seeds.

      आपकी टिप्पणी के लिए धन्यवाद। मैंने लेख में एकोनाइट पौधे के बीज की तस्वीरें जोड़ीं। मुझे उम्मीद है आपको यह उपयोगी लगेगा। हम बीज या पौधे नहीं बेचते हैं, हम केवल उन्हें उगाते हैं और उनके बारे में लिखते हैं। ऑनलाइन कई स्टोर हैं जो पौधे या बीज बेचते हैं।