
Boxwood is a small-leaved shrub that grows slowly. This makes it the perfect choice for pristine, orderly gardens. The boxwood tree moth is one of the main pests.

Boxwood, always the elegant one

Green all year long, boxwood draws back to the elegance of French gardens. Along edges to organize the garden, or sculpted as as a standalone shape, it is currently making a comeback.
Shaped boxwood shrubs forming boxes

5 keys for a beautiful winter garden

How should you care for your garden in winter? Snezana Gerbault, an agronomist and engineer, packed all her tips in book that was prized in several recent events.
beautiful winter garden

Pruning boxwood, know it all

Running contrary to popular belief, the pruning of boxwood is actually very easy, and doesn’t endanger your shrub in the least. Pruning boxwood is a practice that
Boxwood pruning

Cloud pruning for trees and shrubs

Niwaki – this is the Japanese word for cloud pruning. It’s the act of trimming trees into cloud shapes. An ancestral, elaborate art, this cloud pruning technique was developed to create symbolic spaces,
Magnificent example of a cloud-pruned shrub with 8 to 10 clouds and a silver gray trunk.
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