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Radish leaf soup recipe, the perfect summer delight

Recipe for radish leaf soup

Radish greens, parsley, and potato soup is both super easy and quick to whip up. Ready in just 20 minutes, it’s a real bowl of freshness and an original recipe you’ll enjoy tasting.Ingredients for 2:

Radish top soup recipe

Here’s a recipe with radish tops (leaves), potato, onion, and flat parsley. Note that radish greens contain provitamin A and vitamin C, and iron, too.

  • Start by peeling and chopping the onion
  • Wash the radish and separate the tops (including leaves and stems)
  • Wash, peel and cook the potato for 12 min in salted boiling water

Once the potatoes are cooked,

  • Heat a dollop of butter with a drizzle of olive oil in a pan
  • Sauté the chopped onion in the pan until they sweat and turn slightly brown
  • Radish greens for soupAdd in the radish tops and potato
  • Chop the parsley and toss it in
  • Sauté for another 2 to 3 minutes
  • Pour in the chicken broth
  • Blend it all together

For a dash of flair, you can garnish the soup with a few radishes, just like in the picture…

Enjoy your meal!


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