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Beef stew, the recipe our grand-mothers mastered

Beef stew

Beef stew surely wins hearts as a favorite dish—and it’s well-deserved.

Beef stew ingredients

This old recipe has many versions. Here’s one inspired from traditional French pot-au-feu.

Pot au feu recipe

Success in this dish hinges not just on quality of ingredients and meat, but on cooking time. Give your beef stew the time it deserves, and it will reward you tenfold!

→ Prep fact: It tastes even yummier the next day after a little reheating.

  • Cut the meat into even-sized chunks
  • Have your butcher prep it if you want
  • Peel the onions and push a sprig of clove spice into each one

Into the pot go the following:

  • Throw in onions, garlic, and meat
  • Add the bouquet garni
  • Cover with cold water
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Let it simmer (without yet adding any veggies) for 2 hours
  • Skim froth out off the top regularly while it cooks.

On to the veggies:

  • Recipe for beef stewClean and peel all remaining vegetables
  • Chop carrots, turnips, and potato into even-sized pieces
  • Cut leek into big chunks, so they hold together during the cooking
  • Add the marrow bones, carrots, and turnips to the meat for 20 min
  • Lastly, add the leek and potatoes and cook for another 20 min

Here’s why there are all these steps: meat must cook for much longer than the veggies. Otherwise, you’ll end up with mushed-up vegetables. Some even cook more delicate potatoes separately and only add them to the pot at the very end.

When serving, use deep plates if you can. Lay out meat, veggies, a slice of marrow bone, and some broth. Finish it up with buttered bread. Delicious beef stew is ready for savoring! Enjoy your meal!

Handy pot au feu tip

Making it a day before? Brilliant! Gently reheat it to awaken those flavors.

Images: 123RF: haninataly, mackoflower
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