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Picture taken down

Photographer with camouflage.

Hi! The picture can’t be found on the original picture-hosting website anymore.

  • Read below to find out why not and how you can get more information on the picture and/or artist who shared it.

Why isn’t the picture there anymore?

It seems you wanted to learn more about a picture from a Nature & Garden article. After looking things up, I’m sad to say that the picture was removed from the original hosting site.

  • For example, a Flickr or Pixabay user may have decided to delete that particular photo, or even their account.
  • Flickr, Pixabay, and other picture-hosting websites, also sometimes unilaterally decide to remove pictures and users from their platforms.

What can I do to learn more about the picture that’s shown in the article?

If the photographer/artist hasn’t deleted their profile on the platform, try to get in touch with them.

  • The link to their profile in the credit section of the article might still work.
  • If you’re directed here again, it means the artist’s profile was taken down entirely, not only the picture.

We also keep track of where and how pictures were shared. If you require proof that, at one point in time, the picture was shared by the artist on a platform under a license that allows for use, do the following:

  • Simply leave us a comment below. You’ll have to provide an email, but it won’t be shared or sold.
  • Copy the credit line you’re interested in, and include it in your comment text. Add the title or URL address of the page those credits were on, too. Also, feel free to write a few words sharing why you’re interested.
  • We’ll send you a screenshot of the picture or information showing it was available on the picture-sharing platform at the time we edited or posted the article.

Once dealt with, we’ll delete comments requesting this, so don’t be surprised if the comment section is empty – it means we’re doing our job!

Why do you still have this link then, if it’s broken?

Some of the pictures were shared under specific licenses. Sometimes the license requires that a link be added, directing readers and users to the website where the picture was originally published. We’re doing our best to show our good faith, and to comply as best we can!

Thanks to this page, you’re not left hanging on the platform’s website and you know what happened.

Smart tip about pictures taken down

The internet is an opportunity to share to the world at large. Many artists and photographers have shared their work for free, just like we do our best to share knowledge and information about nature & gardening. We’re doing what we can to make the web a place of “giving” instead of being one of “taking”!

Images: Pixabay: Loubos Houska
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