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Perennial Veronica, wondrous blooming, zero care

Veronica - speedwell

Veronica is a cute grassy perennial (annual if freezing).

Key points to remember

NameVeronica spp.
Type – Perennial

Height – 16 to 32 inches (0.5-1 m)
Soil – normal

Exposure: full sun – Foliage: semi-evergreen – Blooming: mid-spring → fall

The blooming is really impressive when compared to how little care it asks for. Depending on the climate zone, it sometimes grows as an annual.

Planting Veronica

Best plant veronica in spring with a density of 5 to 10 specimens to a square yard (1 m²). This will really make the plot feel lush and bushy.

  • Veronica plantingIt flowers best when in a place that gets quite a lot of sun.
  • It grows fine in virtually every soil type, but it truly thrives in light and very well-draining soils.
  • Veronica doesn’t need too many nutrients. It can even grow in dry, rocky terrain!

Propagate the plant through clump division in Fall or Spring.

Veronica in a pot

Veronica loves proper drainage, so that’s certainly one of the goals of your potting setup.

  • veronica potMake sure there’s a hole for excess water to drain out from
  • Add a layer of drainage such as gravel or leca pebbles along the bottom
  • Get soil mix that drains well, or simply mix in one-third of sand to your garden soil if it’s a bit heavy

Depending on how often you fertilize and water, potted veronica might grow anywhere from 1 foot to 3 feet tall (30 to 100 cm).

Veronica care

Veronica careVeronica is a flower bush that asks for next to nothing in terms of care. Perhaps the only thing to watch out for would be a little watering in times of drought, especially if it’s growing in a pot.

  • Cut flowers as they wilt: this easy step (deadheading is the layman’s term for it) will spur appearance of new flowers.
  • Cut wilted stems back to the ground as they lose their flowers, and you’ll get fresh new flowers in Fall.

Learn more about veronica

Veronica speciesVeronica grows in a dense, bushy pattern. It’s a very interesting species to welcome to your garden thanks to its abundant blooming.

Depending on the species, colors range from light to dark blue, but also include carmine red and even pure white. The shape can change as well, like the surprising Veronica spicata shown here (“spiked speedwell” in common English).

A closely related cousin, Hebe, goes by the name shrubby veronica. This specific type of veronica is definitely among the most striking flower shrubs.

The botanical name for the plant, Veronica, comes from the Latin word vera which means “true” and “authentic”. That’s a nice takeaway for this simple, authentic beauty!

Bees love this plant for the abundant nectar it provides from spring all the way to the end of summer.

Smart tip about Veronica

It is recommended to water in case of warm weather. Water in the evening to reduce evaporation. More water reaches the plants and you can save on watering.

Images: CC BY 4.0: Oleg Kosterin, Pixabay: Arunas, Di W., Heiner Rambold, Unsplash: Nikki Son
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