
Turnip isn’t a favorite of children… unless it’s cooked with a dollop of honey! Learn to grow this delicious root vegetable without any problems.

Which vegetables to grow in winter?

There are several different vegetables that are hardy enough to the cold that you can still make the vegetable patch an enchanting place to be. Zoom in on kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, winter lettuce…
Winter vegetables

Rotate crops in the vegetable patch

Crop rotation helps generate abundant harvests. It’s also very effective at reducing crop diseases and maximizing nutrient availability for plants.
Crop rotation in a vegetable patch

Direct sowing, sowing plants directly in the ground

Whether for vegetables or certain flower species, direct sowing or sowing in the plot is very easy. It takes place in spring, after the last frost has passed. It’s also practiced during summer for the planting of most fall and winter vegetables.
Direct sowing

Companion planting in the vegetable patch

Just like humans, vegetables also have friends and foes. Some families stimulate or protect each other. Other families tire each other out and make each other vulnerable. Companion planting is the art of pairing them well!
Raised beds with companion planting

Bollworms, dreaded caterpillars defoliating vegetables

Typical of many insects (and even more so for butterflies), adult bollworms won’t cause any damage in the garden or vegetable patch. However, caterpillars and larva that emerge from their eggs can devastate nearby plants.
Large bollworm on a cabbage leaf with excrements
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