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Glossy Abelia, a cute little flower shrub

Glossy abelia, Abelia x grandiflora

Glossy abelia is a beautiful shrub that offers cute blooming over the summer.

Key Glossy abelia facts

NameAbelia x grandiflora
FamilyCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Category – Shrubs

Height – 5 to 6½ feet (1.5 to 2 m)
Exposure – full sun and part sun
Soil – ordinary

Foliage – semi-evergreen or evergreen, depending on the area
Flowering – June to September

Its small size makes it ideal for small gardens and for growing in pots for a terrace or deck.

Planting glossy abelia

Glossy abelia plantingGlossy abelia is planted indifferently in fall or in spring. However, planting in fall will make regrowth easier.

Choose a spot preferably sheltered and in full sun because glossy abelia prefers sun to bloom.

  • When planted in the ground, it requires light, well drained and especially not-too-moist soil.
  • Growing glossy abelia in a pot is possible, but you must schedule repotting every 2 or 3 years and prune often to constrain its growth.
  • Follow our advice on planting shrubs.

Propagating glossy abelia

Making cuttings is the easiest and fastest method to propagate glossy abelia.

  • Glossy abelia cuttingsGlossy abelia cuttings are prepared in summer
  • Snip 6-inch (15 cm) cuttings off from new wood growth (not yet totally hardened off).
  • Remove lower pairs of leaves, keeping only one or 2 pair(s) of leaves.
  • Stick the cuttings in special cutting soil mix.
  • Keep the cuttings near light, but not in direct sunlight.
  • Keep the substrate a little moist and protect cuttings from freezing in winter.
  • Transplant in the following spring.

Pruning and caring for glossy abelia

When and how to prune your Abelia

Glossy abelia pruningTo prune a glossy abelia well, consider that annual pruning at the end of winter or the beginning of spring encourages growth and blooming of the shrub.

Prune before spring growth has started in earnest, because flowers appear on new growth.

Pruning new growth off from your abelia means less flowers will appear.

Abelia as a hedge

Hedge trimmed from glossy abeliaThe pruning can be severe if needed. Best results are when you shape the shrub to help it keep a dense, opaque bearing and leafage.

  • You must prune according to the shape you plan to give it.
  • Whenever branches grow on several levels, over-shading will cause lower branches to grow sparse and leafless.
  • Pruning abelia to low, ground-hugging shapes is most common and ensures all branches get plenty of sun.

Abelia diseases and pests

Since glossy abelia resists most diseases and parasites very well, normally you won’t need to treat it.

All there is to know about glossy abelia

glossy abelia variagated leavesGlossy abelia is a beautiful shrub with evergreen or semi-evergreen foliage that blooms from June to September, but might also bloom longer depending on climate behavior.

  • The middle of summer is when Abelia is in full bloom.
  • Flowers range from pinkish white to pure white depending on the variety you’ve selected.

There are about thirty glossy abelia species and most bear evergreen leaves.

The most commonly available varieties are Abelia chinensis, Abelia floribunda and Abelia grandiflora.

Glossy abelia is mostly planted to prepare low-lying hedges.

Glossy abelia varietiesGlossy abelia can be used as a hedge shrub for hedges up to 3 feet (1 meter) high, even in garden boxes on a terrace or balcony where its small size will let it stay put in case of wind.

Plant-based mulch is a good idea in winter to protect the roots against freezing, especially potted glossy abelia.

Read also:

Smart tip about glossy abelia

Watering in summer should be performed in the evening to reduce evaporation and then again, only over the 2 first years or in case of extended dry spell.

Pinkish white glossy abelia flowers with red leaves unfurling at the center.

Images: 123RF: Pierluigi Palazzi, spring75, CC BY 2.0: Bri Weldon, Manuel Martin Vicente; Pixabay: JacLou DL, Jan Haerer; Public Domain: Olive Titus, Olive Titus, CC BY 4.0: Kim & Forest Starr
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