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Ginkgo biloba, superb in every season

Young ginkgo tree with yellow leaves in the blue autumn sky.

The Ginkgo biloba or silver apricot is a very ornamental tree thanks to the beauty of its leaves and its sprightly, elegant bearing.

Key Ginkgo biloba facts

Botanical nameGinkgo biloba
Common name – maidenhair, fern pine
Family – Ginkgoaceae
Type – tree

Height – 50 to 85 feet (15 to 25 meters)
Exposure – full sun
Soil – well-drained

Foliage – deciduous
Flowering – May to July

If well planted, it will quickly become one of the most beautiful trees of your garden from spring to fall.

Planting of Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba fruits are called silver apricots.Preferably in spring or fall but at all costs avoid freezing or sweltering hot weather.

Soil type is irrelevant, because Ginkgo biloba is a tree that adapts well to any type of soil.

  • More important is selecting a well-lit area that isn’t too hot.
  • Follow our advice on planting trees.

You’ll have to water it over the first few years after the planting to stimulate its growth. It is quite slow at the beginning but then speeds up as years go by.

Pruning and caring for Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo tree care basically boils down to pruning if damagedGinkgo biloba is a simply beautiful tree, and it needn’t be pruned unless it absolutely necessary for reasons such as growing too large.

  • No pruning is formally necessary.
  • If you simply wish to balance out its shape, best prune at the end of winter.

Learn more about Ginkgo biloba

Yellow ginkgo autumn leavesThe silver apricot is one of the most resilient plants on the planet.

And it also is the most ancient tree family known to man. Traces of it that date back to over 270 million years still appear today in fossils.

Many specimens are over 200 years old. This tree also is the only plant to have survived the Hiroshima atomic blast. Why not grow it as a “symbol of peace” in your own garden?

The leafage is amazing and turns into a magnificent yellow color in fall.

Ginkgo is used more and more in cities because it resists pollution very well.

Smart tip about Ginkgo biloba

If you like the art of bonsai, this tree is particularly well suited to it!

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