
Ladybugs are among the most famous beneficial insects. They appear when needed to eliminate aphids and other pests. Lifecycle, attraction, shelter.

Attract animals to the garden

In these days of sustainable development and environmental protection, attracting animal and insect life in your garden is a necessity.
A deluxe insect hotel with holes, nooks and crannies for insects.

Aphids, how to get rid of them?

Aphids are fearsome insects that attack leaves and feed on plant sap. There are natural ways to treat against them. Leaves curl up and become sticky.

The ladybug lifecycle, helping us out at every stage

A 10th century legend, over a thousand years ago, relates the story of a man condemned to death for having murdered someone. As he claimed his innocence, a ladybug landed on his neck and the executioner stayed his ax.
Ladybug: the lifecycle of this precious garden assistant
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