Grape and Grapevine

Grape is the source of wine, and it’s a favorite fruit to eat and cook with, too.

Landscape a small garden with 5 simple features

A small garden is definitely an excellent opportunity to showcase what’s really most important. Discover our tips and advice to transcend your small outdoor space and, through astute landscaping ideas, make it seem larger than it is! Read also: 5 ideas to set up a shaded courtyard Clever ways to organize a long, narrow garden […]
Landscaping small tiny garden

Which vine is best to decorate your garden shed or pergola?

Guest post resulting from our collaboration with FRANCE ABRIS! Proud of your beautiful garden shed? Think how amazing it would look with a few beautiful vines crawling and blooming here and there! Indeed, though our garden sheds and pergolas
Garden shed with climbing vines decorating it
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