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Acacia tree – planting, care and pruning of this towering shade-giver


Acacia is a very beautiful ornamental tree that can grow very tall.

Planting, pruning and caring for it all play a part in growing an acacia tree.

FamilyFabaceae or Robinia
Categoryshade tree

Height – 32 to 64 feet (10 to 20 m)
Exposure – Full sun
Soil type – any type of soil

Pruning – not required
Leafage – deciduous
Blooming – May to June

Avoid – Planting acacia in excessively chalky soil

Planting an Acacia tree

  • See all our tips on how to plant your Acacia on our tree planting page.

Pruning Acacia

Pruning isn’t required.

  • If you must balance or reduce the branches, wait for the winter season or dry season in tropical countries.

Aside from this, remove dead branches regularly.

Good to know about the Acacia tree

The Acacia tree is part of the Fabaceae family, also called the legume family. It is native to North America.

  • This tree species is known for its symmetrical leaves. They’re a bit long and divided into many oval leaflets.

Flowers bloom in hues that range from white to pink, depending on the species. Flowers grow in particularly fragrant clusters. It’s a true bounty for bees! Honey produced from Acacia trees is surprisingly clear and stays liquid for many months.

Acacia leaves close up a night, exactly like those of its tiny relative, Mimosa pudica.

  • The scientific term for this is “nyctinasty”.
  • There’s no consensus yet as to how this benefits these large trees. Some say it attracts hunting predators that eat leaf-eating herbivores. Others have shown that there may be a growth advantage. This means is helps plants grow faster with less nutrients and need for resources.

Different types of Acacia

“Acacia” is a name given to dozens of different types of trees. Among the most beautiful and easy to care for are the following:

Black locust

Pink-flowering black locust acacia tree


Yellow mimosa acacia flowers


Red albizia acacia flowers

Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Umbraculifera’

Young acacia umbraculifera


Read also:

Smart tip about the Acacia tree

This tree usually has thorns at every leaf joint. It grows into a wide oval crown. Acacia is often used to top large mounds of soil, roadside embankments or long alignments in flat ranges.

Acacia tree leaves

Image credits (edits Gaspard Lorthiois):
CC BY 2.0: Ly Thien Hoang
Pixabay: Marzena P., Anna Armbrust, Elena Gemma
CC BY-SA 2.0: Tam Tam
CC BY 4.0: Tim Hite
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