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Fermented comfrey tea, an excellent fertilizer

Comfrey fertilizer tea

Organic gardeners favor it above all others: fermented comfrey tea is one of the most effective organic fertilizers for gardens and vegetable plots.

This liquid manure also works as a parasite repellent and compost activator.

Thanks to its high organic matter content, especially potassium, calcium and nitrogen, comfrey tea is an effective growth and blooming enhancer.

For fertilizer that would contain higher nitrogen levels, you may use fermented stinging nettle tea.

Why use comfrey to make tea fertilizer?

Comfrey is a taproot plant. Its main root dives deep underground, where it finds nutrients that aren’t as available in the topsoil. Indeed, sometimes it reaches depths of 2-3 feet (1 meter). Only trees have a similar reach.

This unique characteristic explains why it’s more effective as a fertilizer than other weed fertilizers.

Recipe for 10 quarts (10 liters) of comfrey tea

  • Batch of fermented comfrey teaHarvest 35 oz (1 kg) fresh leaves.
  • Macerate in 10 quarts (9 liters) rainwater (softer) for 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Avoid using metallic containers for maceration.
  • Mix regularly.

Fermented comfrey tea is ready when the liquid turns blackish and leaves turned into slime at the bottom of the container.

  • Filter to remove any residues and produce a perfectly clear liquid.

Using fermented comfrey tea

Fermented comfrey tea can be used during the entire vegetation and blooming phase of plants and vegetables.

Comfrey leaves that can be used to prepare weedy teaIt is used like any other fertilizer with a mixing ratio of 10% fermented comfrey tea to 90% water.

  • If my hand sprayer contains 9 quarts (9 liters) water, I’ll add 1 quart (1 liter) fermented tea and have a great plant fertilizer.

It is used like any other parasite repellent with a mixing ratio of 5% fermented comfrey tea to 95% water.

  • If my sprayer contains 9.5 quarts (9.5 liters) water, I’ll add ½ quart (½ liter) fermented tea.

Images: depositphotos: Martina Unbehauen; own work: Rosalyn & Gaspard Lorthiois; Pixabay: Nancy Buron
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