
Pesky flies appear from nowhere in the garden. But they’re not all bad! Some are useful pollinators.

Magic potions from plants… for plants!

Prepare your own magic potions! Infusions, decoctions, fermented tea… take advantage of natural plant properties to easily prepare organic fertilizer and treatments at a very low price.
Potions with plants on a bench, fertilizers and treatments

Aphids, how to get rid of them?

Aphids are fearsome insects that attack leaves and feed on plant sap. There are natural ways to treat against them. Leaves curl up and become sticky.

Fruit flies, how to fight them

Very small flies score the fruits with their ovipositor to deposit their eggs inside. These eggs will hatch inside the fruit, and the larvae will eat
Fruit fly, yellow, on bright green leaf with black background.

Onion fly, the reason why maggots are eating up your bulbs

A fly that is slightly larger than the common housefly, onion fly is a destructive pest for certain Alliaceae plants. Not only do they reproduce extremely fast, but the larvae trigger bulb rot and eat the bulbs out from the inside.
Onion fly
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