Treating diseases and pests - page 2

Plants in the garden rarely look as pristine as the images on labels from  stores or websites. All these treatments are perfectly organic and natural!

Cranefly, harmless Daddy Long Legs… but voracious larva!

Though the adult cranefly doesn’t harm plants in the garden or vegetable patch, the same cannot be said for its larva. Cranefly larva (leatherjacket is a common example) will indeed devour roots of plants, killing them from below. Luckily this is not inevitable. There are ways to limit the damage they cause. Cranefly key facts: […]
Cranefly, daddy longlegs, Tipula

Stephanotis, solve its problems for it to bloom again

Stephanotis often falls sick because of diseases and pests. This mostly happens at the beginning: in time, you’ll strike the perfect balance between water, sun and fertilizer and your plant will resist all these problems!
Stephanotis problems

Problems with sunpatiens? Possible diseases and pests

Sunpatiens is a type of impatiens bred to resist most diseases. However, it still occasionally falls sick and has to deal with pests! More about sunpatiens: Sunpatiens: Impatiens for sun Cuttings and propagation Wilting sunpatiens Pests on Sunpatiens Tiny bugs on sunpatiens Although generally not so vulnerable to diseases and parasites, occasionally you’ll notice an […]
Sunpatiens problems

Thrips food, what do thrips feed on ?

Thrips are tiny insects. Those considered pests on crops or in greenhouses feed on plant sap, but that’s not their only food. Read also: Thrips in the garden Natural thrips control What do thrips eat? There are different types of thrips. Pests, for instance, feed on plant material. Predator thrips eat other small insects and […]
Thrips food

Thrips damage and symptoms

Thrips cause damage to crops and ornamentals. Symptoms depend on the species of both plant and thrips. Key thrips damage symptoms Sunken streaks, patches → leaves Colored spots on leaves → white Stunted growth → buds (flower/leaf) Curly, waffled, crumpled → leaves Carrier/vector for – plant virus, fungal diseases (tomato spotted wilt virus) Read also: […]
Thrips damage

Natural tips against thrips

What do a vacuum, aluminum foil, and a hose have in common? They’re great tricks to get rid of thrips – naturally! Thrips are teeny-tiny bugs that are sometimes dangerous for your plants. When you’ve got a small colony on a houseplant or just the start of an infection in the vegetable patch, these handy […]
Control thrips naturally

Codling moth, the fruit worm

Codling moth is often called “fruit worm”. It is actually a type of caterpillar that feeds on the fruit’s flesh.
Three apples infected with codling moth fruit worms

Techniques to save a poisoned tree

Have you sprayed too much insecticide on your tree? Applied too much fertilizer? There may still be a chance to save your plant. Here is how to save a poisoned tree.
Dead tree

Organic treatments for your fruit trees

Do you have a garden with fruit trees and you’d like to get a bit more organic? Preserving and protecting nature is getting more and more attractive, most of all for our own dear little children.
Organic treatments for fruit trees

Cypress canker

Cypress canker is really the only disease known to this conifer. Although generally quite hardy, a canker infection can devastate
Disease killing cypress trees

Bollworms, dreaded caterpillars defoliating vegetables

Typical of many insects (and even more so for butterflies), adult bollworms won’t cause any damage in the garden or vegetable patch. However, caterpillars and larva that emerge from their eggs can devastate nearby plants.
Large bollworm on a cabbage leaf with excrements

Earwig, fearful pinchers we can rejoice about!

A long, thin body with terrifying plier-like pinchers at the tip, anybody will instantly recognize an earwig when it crawls along! In the garden, people often accuse it of damaging plants.
Earwigs on a yellow flower

The ladybug lifecycle, helping us out at every stage

A 10th century legend, over a thousand years ago, relates the story of a man condemned to death for having murdered someone. As he claimed his innocence, a ladybug landed on his neck and the executioner stayed his ax.
Ladybug: the lifecycle of this precious garden assistant
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